Although all the shorts were entertaining, the sequel to "Three Robots", "Exit Strategies", resonated with me the most. This episode was directed by Patrick Osborne who decided to make the sequel to the original "Three Robots", two seasons earlier because of all the love and attention the first episode received. When Patrick Osborne was interviewed, the key parts of the first episode he really enjoyed was how it was apolitical, "it kind of says that all humans are idiots, and we're all gonna just kill ourselves and kill each other". For a lot of people, myself included, I do not think humans really understand the harm they are doing to the planet until they watch this short film. The robots in the film attempt to understand people through the decades and the reason why and how humanity wiped itself out. The episode really tries to highlight that politics aside, although people can have their opinions, us living our daily lives with unbeknowns...