The Matrix- Red Pill
During the debate the main argument of the blue side was that ignorance is bliss and some people are unable to know the real truth. To counter this, taking the blue pill is simply taking the easy way out and being selfish. Yes, some people may mentally not be able to handle the high stakes and mental obstacles of being a nurse, or special agent, or in the case of the movie jumping between the matrix and the real world, but if all those people do not believe then the chance of finding someone who can possibly unveil the real truth about the world is greatly reduced and all will continue living in a world where the pure cause of fear and anxiety is the unknown. By taking the red pill, there are also different levels, different levels of involvement, not everyone will have to be in the middle gory part of it. Someone can contribute one way or another and in order to advance anywhere, the power in numbers to make a change is critical. During the pandemic, although nurses If only half of th...