StarTrek once definitely one of my more favorite movies to watch, but I had no idea it had such an impact on the world today. Looking through a futuristic lens, there are so many futuristic technologies of the time and even today. Inspiration should continue to be taken from StarTrek not just in the nursing field, but all other disciplines as well. One thing however I did note was the apparent stereotypical role of women tried to break the mold. For Uhura, the mold exploded, but for the role of nurses and women in healthcare not so much. Women were given the role as nurses which are subservient to doctors. In today's world, while women can now also be doctors, it is still predominantly a male's role. In some of the more recent remakes or spinoffs of StarTrek we do begin to see an increase in appreciation for nurses and invaluable work they do alongside doctors. In one of the most recent, Strange New Worlds, I believe some referred to Nurse Chapel as doctor, which is the beginning of breaking the role. A whole essay could be written about this and the role women have undertaken in the healthcare field. The stereotypes that women should be nurses and men should be doctors are still dominant today but we have seen a slow influx in men who are nurses and women who are doctors.
STARTREK: future of humanity
- Your refusal would be unwise
- Captain Kirk decides to stay on board to fight off so the shuttles can make it safely
- Call the child Jim, Jim Kirk; James Tiberian Kirk
- Communication systems
- Spok: fights; when other guy says father is a traitor and married that human whore
o Emotions run deep, deeper than humans
o Feelings so that they do not control you
o Marrying mother was logical
o Fully capable of deciding your own destiny
o Disadvantage: human mother
- “Live long and prosper”
- Someone who was born in Africa becomes one of the most important people in the film
- Enlist in Starfleet:
o Half the man father was
o Officer in 4 years; own ship in 8
o Father saved 800 lives including mothers
Dares to do better
- Space is a disease and danger
- Welcome back Spock
- Beat test
- Claim he cheated on test; what fails to realize is if you’re the captain you cant escape death
- On academic probation
- Bones takes him
- Uhura stands up for herself; one of top students; devoid favoritism; Spock changes to Enterprise
- Vaccine against viral infection laser; injects Kirk; Bones gets him on board
- Arrive at U.S.S. Enterprise
- News casting from space with facial video
- Thermometer runs over the face instead of in mouth suggesting infrared technology ; or some type of scanning device that doesn’t have to touch the skin
- Thinks Romulen are attacking Vulcan; needs to stop and not keep going
- Knows of Klingon attack happened on birthday Uhura confirms by translating message
- Uhura can understand all three dialects
- Machine scrambling communication
- Chief medical officer,, doctors still male; women still subservient nurses
- Kirk only one who landed on the drill
- Doesn’t have to wear space helmet?
- Launch red matter (one tiny drop of red matter)
o Going to the core through the hole they drilled
- Planets has minutes
- Spock going onto surface of planet
- Spock goes to save his family; all but his mother are savid
- Red matter completely destroys the planet nuclear bomb? type effect.
- Captain Pike held captive by Nero
o Going to destroy all remaining federation planets
o Bug swallowed sim to matrix when bug goes in and needs to be suctioned out
- Using red matter create black hole
- Future Spok: goes through events that just happened; except he injected red matter and swallowed up the planet; went through black hole; Nero waiting
- Kirk says Spock feels nothing; must’ve never loved
o Just wants to avenge the mother he never
- Kirk takes throne of Captain after Spock resigns
- Mother was human so makes Earth the only home he has left
- Asks computer questions early siri
- Nero gets hold of Kirk remembers face from Earth’s history
o Life deprive of just like your father – Nero
o Species even weaker than expected
- Spock using lasers to destroy drill
o Nero yelling for Spock
Knew he should’ve killed him when had the chance; wants him dead now
- Kirk got his gun and shoots him
- Computer knows what will happen to ship if hit
- Kirk finds Pike
- Nurse taking first vital signs
- Fire everything they got
- Pushes Nero’s ship into the blackhole
- Maximum warp speed and some they are able to get out of the blackhole
Influence on today’s society:
- Racism: African American being represented and played as one of the most important people in the film (Uhara)
o Blend of cultures; all speak English though
- Maximum warp Operation Warp Speed get the name from it; referecing speeding up the process as fast as the “speed of light”
Futuristic Technology:
- Holographic: spaceship (asks if knows that spaceship); projection of Spock to see if recognizes
- Flying cars
- Says lights and lights turn on alexa
- Tablets when this was released; didn’t have ipads
o Let alone touch screen
- Nursing: gives mild sedative through same laser type instead of traditional needle
- Beams: type of teleportation possibly in future
- Alternate reality if he says hes from the future must be unpredictable
- Small earpieces in the ear to communicate to each other
- Early face time with the holographic and hailing of the opponent
- Tells him to put aside logic and do what feels right
- Kirk relieves captain pike of his duty
o Father would be proud
StarTrek Orignal Episode:
- Same stone as had in 2001 Space Odyssey (on and unknown planet)
- Girl changes based on who is looking at her; was seeing a different Nancy Crater
- Wearing no space suits
- Seen wife with past attatchment
- Machine capable of anything (rod that goes over the body)
- Communicator cell phone
- Borgio plant; alkaloid poison
- Crater professor
- Salt tablets as a form of early vitamins
- Nancy morphed into Crewman Green
- Nancy is what is killing the people and giving them the red rings on face
- Nancy now aboard the ship
- Women in red (blonde): puts salt on everything, fruit, vegetables; has plants; plant shrieks when Nancy (Green) comes in
- Nancy morphs to a Swahili man
- Nancy sucks all the salt out of them
- Old phones flip phones communicators flip open
- Creature is last of its kind and intelligent Crater refused to give information on what it looked like
o Two things it needed was salt and love
- Bones was hesitant to shoot because he genuinely thought it was Nancy
- Data Very advanced form of artificial intelligence; equiv to Spock
- Food is 3d printed
- Borg spaceship is a cube
- Opening credits give clue as to whats happening
- Image of eye then red light HAL
- Futuristic technology; 3d printing tea
- Asks why really quit Starfleeet
o Because no longer Starfleet
- Girl is connected to data somehow
- Replicants had to implement memories
- Deliberately created telling me I am not real
- Cloaking device cannot see her
- Synthetic assasins Romulans
- Hand to open door
- No one makes synths goes against glatatic theory
- Created in pairs twins
StarTrek: Most Recent
- Opening scene starts with zoomed in frame of eye then slowly reveals the face and saying they come in peace (Klingons)
- Same rectangular structure; instead of a stone; well with water
- Draws a star so the spaceship can find them since communicator was down
- Captain Micheal going to see what object of unknown is
o Space shuttle is the body suit rather than another smaller ship
o Klingon ship
- Attack: bright light; ear piercing ringing noise; take away senses
- Holograph of a Spock reference; Micheal goes to for advice
- Klingon ships surround
StarTrek Strange New Worlds
- Right before original Star Trek (5 years earlier)
- Thing that happened to him was aliens showed him his future and how he was going to die (burning, face destroyed), and the exact day he was going to die
- Several Mr. Spock
- Captain Micheal is Spock’s sister
o She was taken by Klingons
o Adopted by Vulcans
- Different cultural backgrounds
- Vulcans first contact
- Nurse Chapel
o Mess with genome futuristic
o Genetic recombination still being researched today for
o Short term changes to biology
o Calls her doctor
o Worked alongside Dr. McCoy
Subservient role but tried to break out
o During 5 year mission returns to med school and returns to Enterprise as Chief Medical Officer
o McCoy’s comment he is “going to need a top nurse, not a doctor who will argue every little diagnosis with me”
o Machine capable of anything (rod that goes over the body): scanner
- Alyssa Ogawa
- Get captured meet with ruler
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